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Better Stock Market Hacks
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TEMA: Better Stock Market Hacks
Better Stock Market Hacks hace 6 Años, 8 Meses Karma: 0

This may or may not be feasible, but I'm putting the idea forward anyways. Currently, as you are no doubt aware, your options inside the International Stock Market System are limited. You can create an account to trade shares, or hack the admin account, which only gets you shares-trading and log access. My idea is to make hacking the Stock Market a little more fun. Perhaps you would get a mission from a company asking you to cause a panic amongst a certain company's investors and/or shareholders by forging a press release from say, the company's spokeperson, claiming that a widespread accounting scandal (a la Enron) has been discovered within the top echelons of the company, and that the execs have illegally made off with millions. Fast forward 3-6 hours later, the shares tank, and you send your "Mission Accomplished" e-mail off to your employer. There would probably also be an appropriate news report on the Uplink ISM, something like: "Company X suffered a massive blow today as a press release from the company spokesperson revealed the details an accounting scandal amongst the top execs of the company. Investor confidence fell as prices of Company X shares dropped sharply."

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Última edición: 28/06/2018 17:42 por nickdepp.
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Re: Better Stock Market Hacks hace 6 Años, 7 Meses Karma: 0
¡Perfecto!! Gracias a podrás abrir tu cuenta corriente personal sin problemas y puedes operar por todo el mundo sin ningún tipo de problema pronto si van las cosas bien te gustaría contratar la sociedad offshore. el equipo de sin impuestos da la atención prestada como no tienes idea.
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Re: Better Stock Market Hacks hace 6 Años, 6 Meses Karma: 0
Excelente, muchas gracias por la información.
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