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Oil Pump Problem
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TEMA: Oil Pump Problem
Oil Pump Problem hace 6 Años, 10 Meses Karma: 0

I have a 1997 taurus with the vulcan 3.0l engine. Oil light came on and during troubleshooting engine locked up. Pulled pan and found pos#3 main and pos#3 rod bearings trashed. Was able to save crank but when I checked the oil pump it was ok. pulled drive shaft out of pump and held back in engine (made sure it was locked in drive) when I turn engine the shaft moved only a little bit and then went back to where it started from. I know that in the older engines the distributor turned the oil pump drive shaft but what turns them on the new engines? And is there a common problem of something I should be looking for?

Please help.

I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.

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