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insurance for a brand new car?
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Foro de coches: Resolución de cuestiones sobre la compra venta alquiler de coches, financiación, garantías y reclamaciones, seguros, problemas técnicos habituales.
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TEMA: insurance for a brand new car?
insurance for a brand new car? hace 6 Años, 10 Meses Karma: 0

I want to buy a new car, i want to ask that wheather it is compulsory to buy an insurance from the dealer itself or we can buy insurance from any insurance company?
because i have seen that there is vast gap between the quotes of public sector ins cos. (like oriental) and pvt sector cos.
so can i save some bucks on my new car?
how the arrangements are made, is insurance is applied before purchasing car or after driving it home?

Please help.

I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.

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