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Rental Car Possible Damaged after I returned it
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TEMA: Rental Car Possible Damaged after I returned it
Rental Car Possible Damaged after I returned it hace 6 Años, 9 Meses Karma: 0

My family rented a car in the Boston area, and returned it after our use. There was no damage that we noticed. One month later, we received a notice that we owed $850 for repair of a broken front bumper. We called and received an email with attached photo's and an estimate for the damages from a third party auto repair company. The odometer reading on the estimate was 4 miles greater than when we returned the car, and the date on the estimate was 8 days after we returned the car. When I brought this to the rental company's attention, and re-emphasized that I did not think we damaged the car, they dropped the request for payment. I am still not sure if perhaps we damaged the car without noticing it, but the personel surely would have noticed if the front bumper had a large crack in it. I am going to let it go, but I am guessing the car was damaged in the garage by the rental company personel, and they were trying to get me to pay for it. I've rented cars frequently in the past, but have never had anything like this happen. Is this something I should report? I doubt it, but wondered what others would do.

Please help

I didn't find the right solution from the internet.

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