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Project-paid Scrpt for buying cars
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Foro de coches: Resolución de cuestiones sobre la compra venta alquiler de coches, financiación, garantías y reclamaciones, seguros, problemas técnicos habituales.
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TEMA: Project-paid Scrpt for buying cars
Project-paid Scrpt for buying cars hace 6 Años, 8 Meses Karma: 0

I have this problem with a website: On this website there is constantly new cars being added, with a buy now function. Unfortunatly it seems I am much slower then the competition (who are probably also using scripts), since most good cars are sold within a minute. I already use a Imacro recording to do the refreshing for me, and in combination with the Mozilla Addon "check for change" I am getting a notice as soon as something new appears. The problem is that always scrolling throu 99% of unwanted cars, takes me too much time. I would need to have a script, that searches for the car name in a certain row and clicks on them as soon as the script finds something has been added after refresh.

Please help.

I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.

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