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Phone Paired With SmartWatch and Car Issues
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TEMA: Phone Paired With SmartWatch and Car Issues
Phone Paired With SmartWatch and Car Issues hace 6 Años, 7 Meses Karma: 0

I have an Android Marshmallow phone, a car with bluetooth and a Samsung Gear S3 smart watch that is paired to my phone via Bluetooth. Here is my issue: When my watch is paired to my phone, my phone will connect to my car for Media Audio but not for Phone Audio as my watch is connected for Phone Audio and this seems to be given priority for phone audio. If within the standard Bluetooth settings on my phone I unselect Phone Audio for my smart watch so that it is not used for this purpose then my phone will connect to my car for Phone Audio perfectly. However if I then get out of my car and want to use the microphone and speaker in my watch to make or answer a call I can’t as I have unselected Phone Audio to enable my car to work with phone audio.

Any help will be apprecited.

I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.

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Thank you.
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