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Connection with the bank account
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Foro de dinero, economía, depósitos bancarios, cuentas ahorro y remuneradas, ahorro e inversión...
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TEMA: Connection with the bank account
Connection with the bank account hace 6 Años, 8 Meses Karma: 0

I want to use the Cyclos software for an investment project,but I don't know how the software will be connected with the bank account. In other words when the account holder buys some points and he wants to sell it how this actions will be performed in our bank account.The second question is whether Cyclos has options for accounts in points or not. We want to place our personal value in the system. The third question is how to convert the cyclos software to our website wich is in Drupal 8.

Any help will be apprecited.

I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.

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Thank you.
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