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Banking Deposit Issue
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Foro de dinero, economía, depósitos bancarios, cuentas ahorro y remuneradas, ahorro e inversión...
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TEMA: Banking Deposit Issue
Banking Deposit Issue hace 6 Años, 8 Meses Karma: 0

Most "Cash Sale" customers payments go into the bank account - "Undeposited Funds" as they hand over cash which is then banked at the end of the week and the process is handled in "Banking" of MW Gold. During this process I noticed a payment which I knew to be electronic, over the internet direct into our cheque account appear in this banking to be deposited. On checking this transaction, which I initially believed to be incorrectly entered, I found that all details were correct: Bank - Cheque account, Payment method - Electronic. Can anyone enlighten me as to why this should be the case?

Any help will be apprecited.

I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.

Startup video studio

Thank you.
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