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Can One Keep Trial Deposits?
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TEMA: Can One Keep Trial Deposits?
Can One Keep Trial Deposits? hace 6 Años, 8 Meses Karma: 0

I have bank or credit union accounts, either savings or checking. When I want to establish a (new) connection between institutions, I have to give one bank the "foreign" institution's ABA Routing Number and my account number. Then two trial deposits (usually less than 15 cents each) are sent to see if the connection is true and then I have to verify receipt. I do this irregularly (only if I have opened an account at a new institution). In your experience, have those trial deposits ever been yanked back? Is it just free money? I don't think I've ever had the money yanked back, but I imagine it could happen. What could stop a criminal mastermind from opening several accounts and making money by setting up transfer connections?

Any help will be apprecited.

I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.

Startup video studio

Thank you.
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Re: Can One Keep Trial Deposits? hace 6 Años, 8 Meses Karma: 0
Es evidente que las sociedades y cuentas bancarias offshore son verdaderas herramientas muy necesarias en la vida financiera de ambos individuos y empresas. Con la estructuración precisa y correcta, una sociedad offshore con su respectiva relación bancaria, una sociedad offshore puede brindar un nivel de confidencialidad y anonimato financiero exitoso.
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Re: Can One Keep Trial Deposits? hace 6 Años, 7 Meses Karma: 0
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