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Have just been told off by the health visitor....
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Foro de Salud: Enfermedades frecuentes, dietética y alimentación, seguros médicos y cómo llevar una vida sana
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TEMA: Have just been told off by the health visitor....
Have just been told off by the health visitor.... hace 6 Años, 9 Meses Karma: 0

My little sprout is 7 months old. BLW since 6 months, and was doing well, I thought. I include him in mealtimes if he is awake for them (prob gets 2-4 a day), and he is feeding himself well.
I got him weighed today and he has dropped 2 lines on his chart. I got a real grilling about what he eats....and a strong suggestion that we should move to purees. I'm so upset - he is an obliging little soul so I'm sure he would let me spoon feed him....but I really don't want to!
He is quite uninterested in BFing at the moment but has gone back to 2 (or 3!) night feeds so I am going with that at the moment. Offering extra feeds and I will offer more snacks. The trouble is that he will sit and eat for as long as the twins do....but as soon as they get down to play, so does he. So I need super high calorie food to get into him. I'd appreciate any thoughts

Please help.

I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.

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