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Do kids really need Health Insurance?
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Foro de Salud: Enfermedades frecuentes, dietética y alimentación, seguros médicos y cómo llevar una vida sana
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TEMA: Do kids really need Health Insurance?
Do kids really need Health Insurance? hace 6 Años, 10 Meses Karma: 0

Myself,DH & 2 kids are with VHI & our policy this year with VHI is € 2,320. Have Company Plan Extra level 2 for all of us,however,DH has just been made redundant so have urgently to decide if we need to move co or reduce it, etc.. awaiting vhi to come back with options but need to decide quickly what we should do.DH wants a policy to cover a private room should he need to go into hosp. We claim back GP/Consultant/Dentist fees with out current policy and don't have to pay excesses - Just sent off a claim for €450 for last year!. A Friend said that we could actually take the kids off private insurance as if kids go to theirlocal hosp or the 2 children hosp's in Dublin, there is no diff to the treatment they receive and the most important thing is that you are covered in private hospitals should you need treatment as the local public hosp's are bursting at the seems.Can anyone verify this etc as due a phone call today..

Please help.

I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.

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