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Spinal cord stimulator for knee pain anyone?
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TEMA: Spinal cord stimulator for knee pain anyone?
Spinal cord stimulator for knee pain anyone? hace 6 Años, 9 Meses Karma: 0

I've seen three specialists who have all said that there are no more surgical options. Due to the amount of surgeries I've had they say the risk is too great and that amputation could be a real possibility if they were to operate again.My wife actually has a trial spinal stimulator put in last week due to multiple make surgeries. Afterwards I asked the doctor about the effectiveness they have for knee pain. Her doctor didn't feel that they were a very viable option for knee pain. My doctor who works at the same clinic suggested it as a viable option hours later.Has anyone here had a spinal stimulator for knee pain, and what are your thoughts?

Please help.

I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.

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