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Thigh pain after knee replacement
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Foro de Salud: Enfermedades frecuentes, dietética y alimentación, seguros médicos y cómo llevar una vida sana
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TEMA: Thigh pain after knee replacement
Thigh pain after knee replacement hace 6 Años, 9 Meses Karma: 0

I know some people suffer with thigh pain after a TKR . . and I wonder how many of them actually end up with this permanently? At the moment, the pain in my thigh usually starts about ten minutes after lying down, and then wakes me in the night with excruciating pain which literally makes me scream and tremble. It feels as if someone is ripping the leg apart with a burning knife. Strangely, though, during the day it just feels a bit sore to touch and stiff. I'm worried that this nerve pain will be permanent. since day three of the operation, I've only been given paraacetamol for the pain, and I've really reached the end of my tether and been reduced to a trembling wreck by this pain. I had the operation a month ago, and although the walking and general moving around is better, the pain is infinitesimally worse . . any hope for the future?

Please help.

I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.

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