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Would a non profit medical insurance company work?
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Foro de Salud: Enfermedades frecuentes, dietética y alimentación, seguros médicos y cómo llevar una vida sana
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TEMA: Would a non profit medical insurance company work?
Would a non profit medical insurance company work? hace 6 Años, 8 Meses Karma: 0

After learning about Nataline Sarkisyan, it got me thinking about other ways to possibly solve, ok, to possible alleviate the problem of healthcare in the US. Cigna is a for profit company so they make money but bringing money in and not paying money out. Since this is healthcare, this results in people dying. Well, what if the profit motive was removed/reduced? Would that possibly help? If not, why wouldn't it help?

Please help.

I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.

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