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How can credit enquiries affect my home loan application?
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TEMA: How can credit enquiries affect my home loan application?
How can credit enquiries affect my home loan application? hace 6 Años, 8 Meses Karma: 0

I am on full time employment currently earning six figures salary per annum. I want to take out a loan for my home purchase. I have heard that credit enquiries can affect the outcome of my loan application. But I am not sure what exactly a credit enquiry is.
Currently, I have a car loan that I took out about a year and a half ago and a personal loan that I took out about six months back. I have a credit card that has a limit of $50,000. Will these existing loans have any impact on my home loan application?
What are credit enquiries and how do they affect my loan applications?

Please help.

I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.

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