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Effect of new construction on existing housing (Zillow-related)
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TEMA: Effect of new construction on existing housing (Zillow-related)
Effect of new construction on existing housing (Zillow-related) hace 6 Años, 1 Mes Karma: 0

Zillow gives certain properties special attention. Don't quite know their inner workings, but suspect the realtors that are registered agents with them do what is common across the industry. Alogrythm shmogrythm. A realtor might be eyeballing a certain property for himself. It can disappear off their map of dots. The neighboring lot can be manipulated, while all others jump or depdeciate, or stay the same.The pot bext door disappeared as a property, after I got into a conversation with a rude sales guy connected to Zillow. He then tried to buy it, or get it bought. Right now, the other side of my house, their house jumped 70,000 in a month, to 522,000 ?????

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I didn't find the right solution from the internet.

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