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HDFC Renter Question
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TEMA: HDFC Renter Question
HDFC Renter Question hace 6 Años, 5 Meses Karma: 0
Hi Everyone,

I am a renter in an HDFC building. This has been a troubled building with a neighbor in the unit below us who has subsequently kicked out the last two tenants who have lived above her. This seems to have violated the sort-term sublease rules of HDFC, which state "a unit should not be rented out for more than 18 months in a five year period."

Essentially, this tenant has harassed us, threatened us, etc. Just a bad tenant. However, she is on the co-op and we are not. They did not renew our lease but could not give a reason why. We have never been approached by the board, management company, etc. for wrongdoings. But after spending an exorbitant amount of money on rental broker to find this place, movers, etc. they are now non-renewing us after one year. Do we have the same rights as co-op members?

Please help

I didn't find the right solution from the internet.

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Última edición: 28/07/2018 13:54 por depprussell123.
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